IFB are the masters in washing machines. I am too satisfied
with the product and feel I would be buying it every time the current one will
pass away its life. I own basic Eelena model and it is really value for money.
Must buy. It washes soiled clothes up to great expectations. It
is really an ideal product. The controls in model are not digital so there is
no chance of water or usage ruining out their life. Most of the other brands top
washers are quite costly, but IFB has provided option to enjoy full freedom of
automatic quality washing with price jus exceeding semi automatic washer from
other competitors. The thumping effect is created by clothes roll which makes
clothes too clean without compromising on their life.
It cleans well, consurmes less power and water. Further it removes all the
detergent from clothes. It dont harm even delicate clothes.
CHEERS to IFB to being so splendid in their range.