Weve had our IFB for 4 years now. And its never given us cause for complaint.
We used to have one of those locally assembled machines before we got this one and it was a big disappointment. When it finally died a quiet death, we embarked on a search for the perfect replacement. All aspects were considered such as automatic versus semi-automatic and in semi-automatics ...with drier versus without drier. Finally we decided on a whirlpool semi-automatic coz it fit the budget and promised great things(the biggest negative against automatics was that they were too expensive). When the moment came to purchase, my dad made an impulse decision to pick up an automatic tumble wash and IFB was the only one available in my city at that time.
The factors that went in its favour?:
Low water consumption. Completely automated operation and the third and most important factor? My dad wanted to buy a tumble wash as long ago as in 1975.
It has turned out to be the best choice we could have made.
The best thing about this machine is the total hands free approach to washing
you just pop in the clothes, pop in the detergent and let the machine do the rest. Water intake etc is totally decided by the machine
and provided you follow the manual (very easy instructions) the quality of wash is very good. I havent lost any buttons in the four years of operation.
Entire programming for the wash consists of setting a wash position on a single dial and pressing any of the three buttons(for temperature and to set whether you are washing a half load of clothes). So, programming is a breeze.
you cannot open the door when the wash is in progress, even if you stop it halfway. So this removes the temptation to stop the wash and process part of it manually.
The only problem with it is that you cannot keep moving the machine around as you please, as you can with top loading machines. The machine weighs a solid 90+Kgs and is better off left standing at a fixed location(though a trolley is available as an option). The plumbing and electrical connections too better be set up in a permanent arrangement to avoid future troubles. One necessary accessory is the rat-mesh if your area is plagued with rats(as most indian neighbourhoods are).
And one more extra is that it needs special detergent which is suitable for front loading machines(the one that goes easy on the foam..youdont want foam oozing out of your detergent tray do you?)
Yes, it also needs running water, and you can top up the water manually.But a loft tank arrangement willsolve the problem if you dont have running water.But hey...its a permanent solution to your washing problems and needs a permanent set up. It isnt a temporary fixit for your washing needs so you better approach it as you would approach any other household project.
All in all a perfect wash-mate