My IFB Machine started giving problem after 2nd year only. The first time Bill for repairs was over Rs 2500/=.
After that I was told by IFB person to go for AMC. I fell prey to their.
When I shifted.. The Machine repair bill was over Rs 4000/= . Machine is now in AMC but refuse to start unless the door is pushed thrice.
When I called IFB.. they again billed for over Rs 500/- saying plastic part is not in AMC.
Never ever go for IFB.. The machine starts giving lot of problem and you end up paying much more on repairs then the cost of Machine.
Help customers who buy IFB.. Similer is the experience of those who have bought IFB.. Its maintenece cost is exorbitant.
During last 4 yeras .. It has cost me over Rs 8000/= on AMC and Repairs.. Judge youself before buying IFB product..
IFB seniors do not respond when contacted..