I have no Idea as to what has happened to IFB appliances, the more I ask the users the more terrible reviews I find. This condition has not improved with the fact that IFB has a monopoly in the market and no 3rd Party parts can be installed in their devices. Thus, complete blame goes to build quality of IFB.
The cost of parts is quite high as expected . even the fuse cost for like 300 to 400 bucks!
(I looked for it in market as I am no expert and was not aware of the cost of such things but to my surprise the best quality fuses were well around 20 to 30 bucks), 10 times cost increase with IFB marker, and decrease in quality as well.
Regarding this machine all is fine as long as it is working. Mine broke 3 times since I purchases it and it is like 14 months, IFB agent asks for 1100 bucks to give next 1 year warranty.
Much said as not impressed by product as was by the reputation it "shows" to have in the market. May be this decrease in quality is after their partnership ended with Bosch