So I had to replace my old AC. This time, I went ahead and purchased an IFB AC. Installation happened on time and all was well for the first 3 months. Then, disaster struck. What was supposed to be a regular service maintenance call to the center, turned into a headache of epic proportions.
At the onset, connecting to their Toll Free line in itself a horror, just does not connect through on the first attempt. No worries, this seems to happen a lot in India. I try again, go through the IVRS and and then Im kept on hold. The minutes pass through and Im over the 10 minute mark when it auto disconnects. I call back again, but am unable to get through. Its only on my 8th attempt, that Im finally successful in speaking to a CC executive. Remembering she just works there, I calmly talk her through the need and the ticket is raised. Get an email confirming the same and am told that the technician will call me next day. The next day doesnt come for the next 5 days.
Call back is done, complaint is told and then I hear the all too familiar words - Sir, system is down for up-gradation, we cannot do anything. Mind you, this happens with EVERY call center when a complaint has passed the threshold and the customer is angry. But, somehow, magically, I get a call from their regional office in Goa, who are also sorry, but since systems are down, they cant help me. Even more magically, in 10 minutes, I get a call from their local service franchise who is claiming that the company hasnt forwarded the complaint to him. He comes, does something and leaves.
Now comes the fun part . the SERVICED AC now refuses to shut down. Unbelievable? True! Even in the cool evening, Im sweating because of the enhanced power bill that Ill receive next month. Continuous phone calls to the technician go unanswered, causing me to shut it off by basically shutting down the entire board. Texts are sent to the technician. Prayers that he comes the next day are being said. Lets hope for that.
What is weird is that IFB has almost no presence on social media where I can raise these issues. The Twitter account has a last entry of Jan14. Mails sent to the Customer Care ID bounced back, leaving me to ask the simple question - Why sell if you cant service? Also, in this day and age, no online presence to raise an issue? The answer is pretty simple - IFB just lost a customer who could have been a repeat buyer for a long time.
Never again IFB . Never again!