I have a IFB microwave 25sc1 gifted sometime back. The functions available are pretty good. Unluckily last year the Door hook broke & after which it was not working. Technician asked me why not go for AMC it will cost you 1400 & door hook 500 separate since it is not in AMC. I called the customer care & surprisingly a technician came. After waiting for more than a month the when I called customer care again it was replaced & its not working still. The technician told me some story like the cockroaches might have damaged the PCB so its difficult to repair. This year in Bangalore when I called some technician came up & did the AMC & told dont worry we will get it done in a Month. Its 2 months since then 2 technicians came up & took the oven but not repaired. I continue to be waiting for the oven at the mercy of a reckless technicians & IFB company.
This is the trick companies like IFB use to trap customers & earn money, but problem never ends. Unluckily there is no way we can challenge them or sue them in Consumer court here
Guys dont buy microwave ovens that will save lot of money, time & electric power which are very essential in a country like india.