Recently, I bought home an IFB NEptune Dishwasher, around 3 months back, after much research on the net. In the beginning say for a week when I was just getting used to it I found it to be a bit difficult just trying to adjust all the utensils in the trays, deciding where to keep which utensil, how much detergent to put, which program to set, etc. But I simply followed the instructions given by the demo person and I have to admit that it has really proved to be a boon to me as I have been finally able to get rid of my maid as far as cleaning utensils is concerned.
The vessels come out sparkling clean, especially with the kind of hard water that we have in Bangalore, it has been along time since I have seen my vessels sooooo clean, without any hard water spots and really clean, warm and dry. Must admit it is a great feeling, especially for people who are concerned about hygiene, it is really a boon! I think the key is to remove the waste food parts and keep the vessels soaked in water(if you have the twin sink facility its great!) or atleast wet till the time you put it in the dishwasher and the results are amazing.
The cost of detergents, rinse-aid and salt is a bit on the higher side, but personally I am ok with it as long as I get results. The detergent is the only thing which actually gets over faster. The other two things dont need to be replenished that often. I really did not find any great increase in my electricity bill either probably because I run the machine only once with careful planning.
With regards to bad after sales reviews, I really dont have any experience because the machine has not given me any problem till now.touchwood!