We boughtour IFB Neptune dishwasher in Oct 2006. It ran perfectly for three years and in Dec 09 started giving problem. The washer would stay very hot even after completing the cycle. IFB came and replaced the controller card. Again after 4 months we found the same problem. IFB came and said that the card needs replacement again! The card that cost 2800 four months back was hiked to Rs 3800. The service technician pointed out that the machine also had earthing problem.
I had a hunch that the earthing could be an issue. So I refused to replace the card. I got the earthing fixed and the machine was back to normal.
I think IFB is interested in selling the high priced controller card without fixing the root cause. The attitude of the service technician was that I was making a big mistake and that he would be called again with another visit charges slapped on me.
Now I think my previous card replacement was also spurious. We mush have had earthing problem of loose wires back then too. Alas I cant prove this for sure.
But the product is excellent and we get nice shiny dishes from this dishwasher.