Very recently I have purchased a IFB Neptune, after lot of persuassion the demonstration guy had turned up and initially started selling his stand and the other detergents etc to be used in this machine. Ultimately he could not give a proper demo, reason being, we are living in an independent House. ANd it seems if one were to use a dish washer u need to stay in a apartment.
His reason is the pressure from the pipes doesnt suffice if it is a independent house. And he recommended a motor to be fitted priced around 5000/- , so after some thinking I have changed the pipes to a larger sized one, so that the pressure would increase. and again we called him for a demo. the machine did not work properly. He was asking if there were rats in our house which might have spoiled the machine.Ultimately he left saying that the machine need to be sent to their work shop.
After a few days they have managed to take it and after around 20 days they returned it back saying something was to be replaced , which got damaged due to transportation. But I insisted for changing the machine itself, which I somehow managed since the dealer was known to me. Now it started working, but again one fine day, the main on/off switch, pulled itself inside thus not able to start the machine.
THis is the position as on date. Now we again have registrere a complaint which they said would resolve within 24hrrs, but none turned up.
Therefore my sincere suggestion to IndIan Housewives to clean their utensils on their own or depend ona servant maid, by giving more monthly salary, than this agonising machine.