I am writing this review after reading so many negative reviews here because using this product from last 1 year and my mom and me is really happy with the product. Utensils are shining like new, even some type of black thing develop in designer type steel utensils also cleans properly.
No doubt Neptune is a costly affair but those are buying must think about this before that you need a salt and rinse aid. Study the manual and set the optimum settings for you. Service guys just do the default installation for everyone. For Rinse Aid service guys set a value of 3 but if you find some stickness in utensils then try to reduce to 2 or still once you try to reduce the rinse aid to 2, may be gets good result. But if you lower it down much like 1 then you will find a water in utensils and there will be no shining. But lower the settings, lower the consumption of Rinse. Power consumption of this takes around 1.5 units in a hour, and salt consumption totally depends on how much hard the water in your area.
Difinately service is not the plus point of IFB but whenever I made a call then in 2 days service enginner attend the call and try to fix it. Like in my case engineer follow some wrong installation procedure during filling the salt first time and thats why salt sensor is not working. He tried everything and visit several times on my request(because they forget if tdont remind) and when not works then I even got a call from service office in Delhi that we will replace this product for you, because not working fine but then head of the service comes and tried their hand in salt container and that starts working, simple reason was "Salt was stick on the sensor during installation".
I will not comment on the circuit parts or inside designing because I am not a enginner and even doesnt bother until giving me a satisfying result. Our family is small, just 3 members and we wash the utensils once in a day without any problem and our Daily programs takes 1 hour time and Rinse Aid and salt one pack works for 45 days. So, around Rs 350 of consumption charges in a month including electricity. Not looks costly to me.
Like every product this also requires some care like through TDS strip(comes with machine) check the TDS during installation, clean the filter in 15 days, choose the right program, give the proper electricity and water connection.(Tip: If you allow the food to stay in urensils for long time then no one can cleans, so always keep some water inside the utensils) And everything else is fine. btw, I extend the service contract for this machine from 2 years to 5 years for Rs 2000 approx. And till now I am satisfied, last thing to mention if you are not satisfied with this IFB dishwasher then quite difficult that any dishwasher in world will satisfy you, because IFB is well known brand in overseas and they considered as best dish washers. May be the quality is much better their but these ones also importing. Prices are stable from last 2 years.