A good product killed by service network - irrespective of service provider.
Added misery because the service people will not have spares - has to get it from Pune or Turkey!.
And most of the times the service engineer solves one issue and creates another two.
Machine not designed to be serviced?! take the case of the detergent tray - I guarantee that neither the service engineer nor the IFB factory in India can replace it without denting the inside door. My dishwasher first major failure occurred because replacing the detergent tray caused a dent, and water leaking into the door. so I insisted the factory should do it and asked them to replace the inside door - but didnt help, so I decided to let the machine run as long as it does.
In all this process, the connector to the rinse aid sensor got damaged because of wrong insertion. nobody is able to repair it to day - again another problem I decided to live with.
Now the recent problem: machine stopped working and reported the issue:
3rd Day: service engineer walks in, switches ON the machine and says the motor has to be replaced. space has to arranged. I suggested motor is the last thing to fail as there was not burning smell or smoke so atleast to check if anything else failed - but the "confident" engineer didnt open the machine nor checked the machine model(I heard he just returned from IFB training the previous day - good training by IFB!).
6th Day: after lot of followup - service engineer arrives with a spare motor. removed the motor and found that the spare they had is a different model and cannot be fitted. Key point is - even before removing and after removing the motor there was not effort to check if it failed - the only intention is to replace it. as it was a cap run motor - I suggested to check the capacitor - all falling in deaf ears.
7th Day: again after doing lot of call upto the Karnataka region service head of IFB, engineer arrives with an old motor. I forced him to check my motor with the spare motors capacitor - it works!:-). But the problem is IFB replaces only full assembly but no visibility of when the spare will be available.
The motor costs 3500~5000 INR, for the fault of capacitor which costs only about 100~400 INR. Its very easy to replace the capacitor but as per the service engineer IFB replaces only motor assembly. As you already bought the machine you may even pay for the full motor but when? why didnt they arrange for the correct spare the first time itself when they were sure of what failed/what they wanted to replace?