My IFB washing machine which is under AMC started malfunctioning a month ago. As usual I called up the customer support and registered a complaint .Following that the problem was unattended for nearly a week and I called up the customer support again and registered a fresh complaint. This time they gave me the telephone number of the IFB service agent who is serving my area.
Then on I started calling the service agent (who most of the time does not pick up the call). Finally after a week long repeated calling and follow up a technician came and did some repairing work.
After finishing the work he told me that the Rubber belt needs to be replaced and descaling to be done. He charged me Rs. 750 for descaling powder (used 5 packets of descaling powder costing rs. 150 each) and rs. 650 for the Rubber belt. I really dont know if the rubber belt really costs rs. 650? Do they used 5 packets for a single descaling process?
Ultimately , what happened was that he put the washing machine on with the descaling agent (and told me that it has to run for a full washing cycle for 2 hours) and left. The machine did not even work for 30 minutes it stopped abruptly and the Rs.750 worth descaling powder got wasted! I know very clearly that they have made a wrong diagnosis and addressed a non existing problem!
What should I do? Who should I trust? IFB company can easely wash their hands by pointing finger at an ill trained employee of a 3rd party service agent? And the 3rd party agent is finding ways to extract money from the ignorant customers with or without the knowledge of IFB! There is no accountability and responsibility at both ends with this type of customer support! But customer has no way out but suffer !!
Please be aware : Ask for the price list for the parts to be replaced and verify the price; Be informed about the basics : ( They made me believe that 5 packets of descaling agent need to be used for descaling !! ) The descaling agents are available in the open market for much cheaper price.: In my experience contacting IFB manager in the city turned out be a wate of excercise .No action was taken on my complaint !