I have been owning the IFB senator 6kg washing m/c now. There have been problems on and off but the performance was ok. This time the machine was not powering on. I called the customer care and the technician came after two days. It was obvious that this guy was not very familiar with the machine. He worked for nearly an hour, completely dismantled the machine, even took out the drum and ultimately came to the decision that the power cord was the problem. I asked him why he dismantled the whole machine. The first thing he should have checked was the power cord. To that he answered that he wanted to check if the other cables were ok. Hilarious. I asked him if he checked the power on switch.
To that, he gave another hilarious answer. He said if the switch was going in when pressed it was ok. It was obvious that this guy had no idea what the problem was and just wanted to escape putting the blame on the power cord. He told me he would come back in two days with the replacement part. But for nearly 10 days nobody came. In between I kept calling the customer care and the service centre - Kailash Enterprises, they kept giving me assurances that the problem would be attended to very soon.
Finally after 10 days they dropped in with a replacement part...or so they thought...because the part could not be replaced...because they brought the wrong part. He said he would come back the next day with the correct part. But the next day also they came with the wrong part. He did some modifications, cut and paste sort of stuff. But as expected the power cord was not the problem. As of today the problem remains unresolved. The service incharge of the service centre has promised me that he would send a "senior" technician to attend to the problem. I just cant believe that amazing in-efficiency with which these people work.
Does IFB bother to qualify these service centres at all? Pathetic to say the least.
I would recommend to the readers to refrain from buying IFB products in Chennai. Im not aware of the status in other cities.