When we bought this machine I thought I would get relief from the piles of soiled clothes that accumulate in any family with more than their share of men. The first two years went smoothly but then it started giving trouble. It started with the machine sounding like some jet aircraft every wash. Then it vibrated and moved all over the place. Then the drum cracked, what else would happen if it behaved liked that? Then it would create a big pool in the room and we had to use many many towels to soak off the water.
Every time we complained the service technician would tell us that we need to get the Annual Maintenance contract done, as if that would solve all our problems. In any case we got an annual contract signed. Paid a hefty amount for this contract which does not cover anything. After that any problem and they would tell us that it was not covered under the contract. So we end up paying for the contract and also for the part that needed to be replaced. Now for the past one month we are waiting for a replacement for the motor. The service is terrible. I would not recommend this product to anyone who wants to live happily.