We have been using Washing Machines for over 12 years now, for most part of this time , we had a semi automatic washing machine that took part of the washing load when the maid failed to turn -up. But with maids increasingly moving to the extinct status, the dependency on the washing machine proportionately increased, and the drawback of semi-automatic machines became more evident to , and after a lot of deliberation we decided to go in for an automatic machine.
We reviewed a lot of brands LG, Samsung, Siemens, Onida, Electrolux and of course LG. The first dilemma was front loading or top loading, considering the better cleaning abilities as well as lower water consumption in front loading machines , we decided for the front loading option. We visited a number of outlets, but each of them confused us with information we did not require , also the pricing, discounting and enthusiasm to sell a particular brand varied from outlet to outlet, this was not helping much.
After enquiries with a couple of friends and all those using IFB spoke high on the ruggedness , reliability and durability of the equipment, so we went the IFB way. We have been using the machine for over 12 months now, touch wood we had to meet the nearly extinct support person only once, this was not the best of experience because we got him after over a week and a dozen phone calls and when he did turn-up he sorted the problem effectively and replaced the part under warranty, we also decided to go in for the extended warranty offered by IFB...just in case...
We are very satisfied with this acquisition, now washing is a breeze, a few tips, if this makes life easy to take a decision on a washing machine,
1) ask the owners directly the good and bad, do not go by the salesmans words.
2) In IFB go for the mechanical controls rather than the electronic panel. The former is more rugged and can withstand constant exposure to soapy water and moisture
3) The feedback on this site would give you a perspective, but it is human nature that we would like to air our grievances and dissatisfaction, but rarely do take the trouble of sharing the good things, this is taken for granted.
So you would find more of negative feedback than positive, this is not about saying people who have given the feedback are wrong, I too would have posted a negative experience in this regard much earlier here, if I had one, but delayed sharing this positive experience of mine.