I studied MA Economics in IGNOU.I had to run from pillar to post to get my examination marks updated in my score card.
I had very bad experience from the regional centre.One assistant regional director behaved with me in very rude manner(in her email reply to me).If anybody needs the copy of this email communication, Ill upload it here.
In the study materials, I have found some printing errors, which, I think, make the understanding of the topic difficult.
They donot timely update the assignment marks in the website, thus many of the students will not be able to submit their exam forms online.They will have to go to bank, pay DD commission, and pay postage charges for sending the exam form to the regional centre.Their deficiency of service in one stage causes many inconveniences to the students.
IGNOU has closed the facilities, egyankosh, on-demand exam etc.
Of late, I realized that many universities, whose distance education programs are approved by the UGC, are there, other than IGNOU.These universities give good student support also.I dont find any reason to prefer IGNOU to other universities, such as Annamalai university, Calicut university etc.
But, in my opinion, the courses of IGNOU are of good standard and if any person wants to develop superior knowledge in any subject, he/she should study from IGNOU.My grievance is only as regards the administration of the university