JOIN VENTURES SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
I am really ashamed today that I have been cheated by IGP. I am referring to the order IGP962010 placed on 2 Oct, 2016 and as per the delivery schedule the order was to reach US address on 5 Oct, 2016. I had very high regards of IGP and I have even referred many friends of mine in India and abroad. But literally I have been cheated today by not delivering the order at all. I called up Customer Care twice and the Customer Care guys could not help me at all about this. I am sure I would never come back to IGP and would also make it sure that all the referred customers are aware of this issue what I faced today. I thought our Indian e-Commerce website like IGP would really care about Indians and would deliver the goods on time out of India but sadly I was wrong. Next time I would make it sure that I go to some firangi company which could deliver the goods in a day or two.but never ever go to any Indian eCommerce company which cheats the customers in the name of service.