To bharat80, internetrew, honestlady, harishit2013
Surprised with the positive reviews; eventually conclude that you people are part of Management. I can bet no employee can write any positive review towards management. Assuming that IHORSE TECHNOLOGIES is a good, reliable, trust worthy employer; can you or anyone from Management respond to the below mentioned questions?
Does the company have any long term projects? Long term projects mean’s project duration more than 1.5 Years to 3 Years, at least more than one year. If Yes, Why people are forced to learn other irrelevant technologies after joining 3-6 months. Fact is no long term projects, IHORSE is only body shopping company & people are forced to learn other technology after the project gets over even though they are not interested. If not they are getting sacked.
Why Ex Employees resigned in Jan’15; Feb’15 not been paid with their settlements?
Does the company provide salary on time? No; Salary processing date is 15th of every month(I.e. People can expect last month salary by 15th of this Month). Most of the time it’s been delayed till 20th for one group of employees & after 25th to other group of employees.
Does the company have any basic employee benefits like Group insurance(or) Family Insurance? NO
What is the reason for exit of key people from Top Management? In recent months we could see exit from 4 top management people for no reason. 6. Does the company have projects with onsite opportunities? No
Does the company have transparent policies? Policy differs to individuals depending upon situation and understanding with reporting managers. Role of the Human Recourse Department is absolutely zero; of course they don’t have the basic understanding towards the role. Employees have some embarrassing moments for questions related to ESI, PF & of course HR policies.
Reason for people getting sacked? Restructuring is one of the perfect answers from many employers, but for mid(or) small size company having employee’s strength less than 150, firing more than 50 employees in 6 months can be considered as direction less attitude(or) may be because of short term projects. Of course we don’t have any option(or) potential employers in Pondicherry(People are forced to relocate once they join).
If the company doesn’t have any long term projects, what is the point in having 3 months notice period? In case if you people have proper reason for this, pls justify on the other part(People who are getting sacked, no compensation is provided for other 2 months).
How long the company can showcase as Start-up? To my understanding on the facts it’s been more than 9 years.
Why there is a kind of harsh treatment by Human Recourse Department at the time of exit. No Human Values.
Why freshers are threatened with 3 years Bond. Of course 2 Years is very common, but people are threatened even after they pay the bond amount. There are some worst unethical approaches by management for couple of resources. If someone is not interested in working with you, what is the point in holding? Why can’t management have the tendency in creating reliable good working environment for employees?
What is happening on our Provident Fund? I don’t find any single employee has been paid with PF withdrawal amount. I could get some updates from resigned employees that they are not getting proper response for relevant authorities. Is this pending because of non-payment? In this situation, there is no guaranty on our Provident Fund. Similar situation is prevailing for ESI. If someone enquire about getting benefits for ESI, No support or response from Human Recourse Department to avail the benefit. There is no point in deducting the PF & ESI.
IHORSE TECHNOLOGIES is only for YES MAN’s. Only people who say “YES” to whatever the hell they say, can work for this Company. Don’t get trapped(or) believe the fake promises given by them.