IIMB, the indian institute of management. I, think that I need not ot introduce it to anybody, because its name is suffice to say. I was interested to join this , but I could not. I still dream to join this institute. I have visited this institute many number of items for participating in many competitions. I was spell bound many times when I visited this beauty land.Huge campus and mind boggling campus.I now very well that, I can not describe this institute, but I would like to share some of my views and experiences with this institute.
The method of education these people get, excellent. Most of their cours runs with case studies and disscussions only.Here every one is responsible for their one upbringing.
And I believe that everyone may be familiar , this is the best accepted management institution last year, it is because of the quality of education one gets there.ipso facto, I say one needs a bit of cerebration and sheer dogged will to join this institution.[as far as my knowledge is concerned] But, I regret to say that the case studies they handle are mainly from the foreign countries but not indian relatd. this is where this people fail in making themselves a run-way-hit-managers.
If they handle more of indian cases rether than Harward cases it will be much more ueful.Anyhow this is the highly recomendable institution for all who deservs it.
here is a small suggestion for CAT aspirants , remember friends He who never climbs , never falls, try for it, you can do it, ya, just do it.