Please guys donot join IIPM it is the biggest FRAUD institute they only want your fathers money which they have urned with hardwork.
these IIPM bhadwas charge for all the thing except ur clothes. they charge extraordinary for every thing. those who have extra money to spend from their fathers pocket can join it . but those who want to be get good education good environment and donot want to waste their time and money, please donot join these colleges of IIPM everything of them is fack. they do all these and invite international people it I only from the extra money which they exploit from you. and potrait themselves in newpapers.those who are good enough they donot need to show off. look at IIMs. please guys and gals do listen do full research and then take decision to join IIPM or not. IIPM is FRAUD, IIpm is fraud. iipm is the factory of money . whenever
IIPM is fraud institute
IIPM is fraud institute IIPM is fraud instituteIIPM is the factory of money, IIPM is the gang of Bhadwa’s. they are suckking people and the institute also