Hi reader, another article posted by me. You would have read a lot of articles abt the comments posted by pro-IIPMites and anti-IIPMites. I too would like to add my comments. First of all, I just finished my post-grad. in management from IIPM-Mumbai. I got a job from the institute itself with one of the best IT firms in the country. I have earlier done my engineering from a REC/NIT which can be easily referred to as a premier institute of the country. But, surprisingly, I didnt get any placement there. This had made me realize and I want others to realize too that the bottom-line is "PERFORMANCE" that matters who you are and not the institutes name or any OUTLOOK ranking or whatsoever. One commented whether IIPM has produced a CEO/CIO/COO. To name a few, Mr Asheesh Khaneja - Exec Director or Oracle Corp (south Asia region) , Mr Ramagopal Rao - M.D. - Fuji Xerox - Hong Kong , and many more.. And to be quite frank - does being alumni from a prestigious IIM guarantee being a CEO - I know alumni of IIM-A and IIM-c who used to teach me at IMS Mumbai (IMS are tutions preparing students for CAT/XAT etc.. so not all are CEOs) - It depends on your individual performance that shoots you up towards any corporate ladder.. Also, I just want to ask whether any institute on this planet can guarantee anyone to become a CEO/CIO/COO. I am sure whoever is one will agree with my opinion.
Although most of the entrepreneurs from the Silicon Valley are ex-IITs and/or ex-IIMs, Sabeer Bhatia is not and he did create one of the hottest brand on the planet to shake the foundations of the one of the largest multi-national corporations that the world has ever seen. Thus, ultimately, it is performance that matters more. I am sure that in the entry level, college name will matter but a couple of years down the line no body will remember which college you post-graduated from or which projects you did in college etc. But, rather your performance during those years of working will determine your competency and abilities rather than your past qualifications. Also, someone I read referred to this illegal claims put by IIPM in newspapers. Well, why dont people blog against the Levers and Gambles of the marketing world who use false claims to sell almost everything in their brand kitty.
And, can anyone forget the Reliance campaign which "fooled" so many people in the country by their "famous" 49-paise scheme. How many of our fellow-bloggers decided to campaign against the Ambani clan? I am sure many of them are faithful and happy users of the Reliance, isnt it? And surprisingly the same is the story of the IIPM school of management. And, neither do they pull people out of the street to coerce them to pursue management education, do they? All the students of IIPM very well knew (including myself) what the college is and what it can offer from them... and by the way if you deserve to join McKinsey or PWC you will do it sooner or later whether you pass from IIPM or IIM or Timbaktu Institute of Management. And about the faculty of the college, all our professors were from the industry and only from the industry who brought with them strong years of commendable experience. At times, we did get to interact with guest speakers from International business school like Sloane or Harvard or Stanford like Philip Kotler, Jack Canfield, etc. to name a few. Finally, rather than listening to people on this blog talk to someone from the institute and get the right information. I will never recommend anyone to falsely believe any claims whether from IIPM or anyone else.
So the bottom line, is believe in yourself rather than fellow bloggers or colleagues. I know some of my friends who studies at IIMs and they used to say that that is a crap college. I have studied at a REC and I find that college as the most pathetic one on earth. So, ultimately it does depend on you whether u wanna become good or no. Please do reply to my review.