Following is my view on the BBA course of the IIPM . I dont have anything to say about the MBA course of IIPM as its truely world class.
Applied for the BBA course in the iipm and recieved my admit card and everything just in time. The test was on 2/05/04 at 3pm. Me went there with my parents thnikin that I will find a great institute like the one I have seen the prospectus with a standard size cafe and everythin air conditioned. But when I reached there the only cafe I saw was a place with maybe 2 picnic table with water drops fallin from somewehre on ur head if u sit in any of them.
There was no arrangements made for the parents of the students to sit there there was only one sofa on which all the IIPM officials were sittin and gossipin. I reached the place at 2 pm so the one hour I was talkin to my friend about the place and made some friends there but everythin outside the buildin cuz they were not havin any place for us to sit.
They called us at arounhd 3:30 pm for the test in a room which was havin AC. We were made to sit there for 20 min after that a guy in his early 30s told us bout the test and everythin. Then they gave us the Q paper and everybody after lookin at the paper were like what the heck is this(11 people in my group). Cuz the questions in the paper was somehin completely different to wat they said in thier prospectus they said there will be questions relating to EQ. But the questions there were questions maybe from some engeneerin book. It was as if we r givin sme IIT entrance test.
But well there were around 55 questions which u were supposed to solve in 45 mins and there was one question of descriptive type too. The questions were so hard that nobody actually able to do anythin and all prayed to the god and ticked any one of the options without even lookin at the questions even includin me. For me I tried to solve the questions but after like 40 mins I was able to slove only around 14 questions nd maybe 10 correctly. And then the guy invigielator I mean said u have 15 mins left there was nothin else to do but to tick any box without readin the questions. And tried to write the descriptive type questions answer. Just when I wrote maybe 5 lines they said stop writtin and took our papers away.
I asked everybody and we all agreed that the paper was damn hard. Then they called us for the group discussion it was good it was in another room. They made us 11 of us sit in a circle accordin to our roll no. and we started with the discussion. The topic was money is everything. honey. It took around 20 mins. And two officials both in there early 30s were judgin us.
After that they asked 5 of us to go to the 6 floor for the interview and called rest of us to the 5th floor I guess. It was I think there office we were given a glass of pepsi before the interview though nobody drank it as we were all very nervous. Then maybe after 20 mins they called us one by one. The guy I mean the security was very helpful he was tellin us wat the guys r askin in the interview and even told us the answers of few.
Anywayz when they called me (the interview was in a separate room). I went inside it was usual they asked me about my fav subject then why I want to join IIPM and stuff. But the guy who was takin my interview was so serious kind he was just not smiling. As if he hates being happy. But anywayz the interview was good. So everyhtin ended by 7 pm.
I went out and checked their notice board there was a job ad in the notice board for student of IIPM I guess the salary well only 2lakh a year I thought wat the heck after studyin with 10lakh rs I will get only 2 lakh. Well and they said they will be sendin us letter in 6 days so it was all good.
Today (8/05/04) one of my friedn called me and told me that he got the letter invitin him to join the institution.
Conclusion- I think the institution is ok though it has not much in its buildin. Its the institute which teaches plannin but to be fair our tests were not well planned. The fees r too high for even rich people. and well they r not recognised by uni boards. But I had a talk with a student of IIPM he said the profs r really good.
Note- I got the letter inviting me to join the the institution. they asked me to give them Rs.25000 as a non refundable registration fee by 17th of may.
2nd note- Whatever is written here is about the IIPM mumbai building. The fee structure again-for bba degree
first instalment fee-
admission fees-25000
tuition fee(50 credits)-127500
total- 152500
retention fee -25000.
fees r to be payed in 6 instalment.