It was indeed a great pleasure to be a part of the IIT family in general and IITD in particular. I feel very nice talking abt my life at IITD. It is the coolest IIT of the bunch. It no doubt gives u the technical grooming but side by side it imparts you with certain management skills which really are needed.
MY four years of stay during my undergrad btech in chemical over there were really full of anxiety , fun, entertainment(with PVR , PRiya and Chanankya within the range of Re. 1 by bus).
The faculty out there is tremandous and they do a good job in making you a confident man and knowledgable too. I can very well say they are comparable to the best in the world. This I say with my experience out here in USA (for my higher studies).
I miss you IITD and miss all the things there.