NATIONAL BEST SELLER! I am like how on earth is this even possible. whats wrong with all the readers . I dont want to disappoint readers, but for your own sake. I just wanted to make you all aware about how this book is a waste of time and your money.First of all, with all due respect and my heartiest congratulations to the writer of, Im an Average Looking Boy
.Will you be my girlfriend?, Mr.Roopesh Kumar.
It is his first book which has achieved a lots a popularity and attracted youth. BUT, in my opinion, after going through the book pages by pages, i got no real thrill but only disappointment. I appreciate the efforts of the writer, but the English used in this book is really very poor at some, in fact in most of the parts of the book, some of the dialogues are out of this world and doesnt makes much sense . I cannot really make out what the writer wants to say at some points and mostly girl stuffs are the most confusing, the writer is not able to deliver a right and clear message. At times I thought I wont be able to go through this whole drama of the book, the author really needs to work on his English. Guys whatever type of reader you are it wont live upto your expectation."DONT GO FOR THIS BOOK!WARNING. This book must be receiving such great popularity by some kind of paid 5 star reviews, because according to me people are smart enough to rate what is good and which is not .
I personally think that the Author needs to hire a editor.!
Thats all I have got to say about this book. Again for you guys, DONT BUY!
Thank you,