I am always reading something. These days youll find me more likely reading Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar and the like, things that add assistance to my constance search for knowledge that will bring me closer to Jesus Christ and my heavenly Father. I ordered this book from the Crossings book club online about two months ago, and finally picked it up to read it about two weeks ago. I started reading it and had to stop and start over again! Not because it was boring or hard to read, but because there was so much that I wanted to take my time and absorb. Dr. Dollar has done an indepth study on the righteousness of God and how we as Christians already have the righteousness that we seem to think we have to earn.
This is the excerpt from the back of the book: Many Christians have been seduced into thinking that they must earn the right to experience the forgiveness of sin and the joy of answered prayer. They often feel guilty about their wrongdoing and try to make up for it through good works. Even seasond Christians struggle to overcome feelings of unworthiness, fear, doubt, unbelief, and condemnation that the enemy sends their way. The result is that they remain beneath the standard of living God has intended for them to experience. The truth is that God, through the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross, has already made you righteous. Nothing you could ever do will make you more or less righteous in Gods eyes. Good works, which are of great benefit to others and ourselves, are simply the product of our righteousness. As you gain biblical understanding of how this right standing with God is meant to work in your life, youll begin experiencing the joy of your salvation. The reality of the promise found in the Word of God will then begin to fall in place. Centering his teaching on Gods Word, Dr. Creflo A. Dollar Jr. explains how righteousness-standing whole, perfect and unblemished in Gods eyes-is a position guaranteed to everyone who believes. This revelation will give you the platform to launch every other kingdom principle successfully. You are more than you know!
By applying some things that I have gleaned from this book, my outlook is already changing and my faith growing even stronger.