The Book travels all time frames essential to understand India from a standpoint: how to develop India. And touches economics, politics, business and social through events, technology and history.
The book compares events like liberalization, delicensing and emergence of IT post 1991 with pre- liberalization era. It talks about how human capital and English language are the major ingredients to participate in globalization for India. Sees this century in the emergence of India taking IT and technology as a force to move forward and attain great heights.
Points to past laurels in technology through various leaders like Rajiv Gandhi, and kind of figures out for the readers the benefits and potential the technological gains have to take India towards the goal of development, with all the developmental indices attaining a positive momentum.
With this book what is exemplary is how technology and IT can touch the lives of the privileged, middle class the not so privileged - even the economically and socially deprived sections of the society - and engulf the masses so as to rope in everyone. No strata of society are left untouched, and how with remarkable efforts, we have the answer to it all.
There are a lot of discussions with ordinary people and the established. But somehow the ordinary and the established are so interspersed that all seem to make a brilliant contribution to a common agenda: development. And how all parts of the population – students, entrepreneurs, professionals and the farmers given the environment to contribute and grow can bring about a big change in transforming India.
It is an essential book not only to understand and make sense of it all- the present era, but also how to go ahead. Also it is an assurance that all is good.
It has bias and starts with it what I would infer. One example: considers English a good thing.