Hello friends, my name is abhishek sharma.i m writing about my review is imo .this is the best for online face to face conversation.i also be used this app before 6 month.because my brother reached australia . So easy to my all family contact with his.
The concept is imo is very clear. This online face to face conversation on any place any country.this is so good because mother and any family member easy to conversation for other country. Very good purpose for the face to face conversation.
The design is imo is very simple. Automatically refesh the imo friends.so using for very easy the pencil msg is very intersting . For using the send the msg .
The feature of the imo is very easy like video calling, typing , blocking .etc all are the very good .cartoon .etc .and very easy to use all the features you can easy to video calling is your patner, mother , all of.
This is the very useful app because with the help of imo you can easy to video call your any relation member.so imo is the best app for video calling.
I rated this app 5 out of 5.