Ive been browsing thu mouthshut for quite some monthsa, just reading reviews but registered only recently.. My first review here. I was indeed surprised to see this site iMobile here. Coz I visited this site very recently, and found this new but useful site. Kudos to Mouthshut.com for the work of bringing in such sites.
iMobiles main service is offering free sms in india to most mobile networks. I found this useful especially when my brother who stays at US could send SMSes to me free of cost. Im using it to msg my buds in India. Each SMS from my mobile costs me Re.1.. Now I can send unlimted SMSes for the cost of interent connecttion. Yahoo Messenger also provides this option of sending SMS to mobile, but only 2 messages can be sent. After that, the mobile-user shd reply to the yahoo-msgr in order that we can continue sendin SMS to the mobile. This reply costs 2 bucks! So quite costly!
SMSes reach the recipient in matter of seconds. I dont know how it works, but it works. I would compare this site with the other site I found for the same service: smsjunction.com (If you know any other sites like this put em on the comments). SMSjunction.com is too slow and delivers the message once in ten times. One thing about this site is, the site loads very fast, and if one sms is sent, all SMSes will definitely be sent.
The site offers other information like Mobile reviews, Handset information and stuff like that. These will be useful for people interested in these., well Im not one! And a section on Mobile phone secret codes is given. These codes really did work on my mobile.
In my experience with this site, some services didnt work. Like, I couldnt send SMS to Aircel, Airtel Chennai etc. And I couldnt send SMS to Reliance or Tata Indicom phones. Again, to send SMS to BSNL phones the recipient (mobile-holder) should have registered for BSNLs UMS service it seems.
On the whole, it was a useful site that saved me and my friends a few hundred bucks.