is a new classifieds portal in which members can post their ads for free and add interactive medias like audio and video to advertise their product or services.
The specialty of this classified portal which striked me the most is its info rich ads."Info rich ads", you may ask what does it mean? Well I will try to explain with this example. Suppose you want to find one good beauty parlour in Chennai. You type this words beauty parlour in Chennai in any classifeid website, and it will list a number of beauty parlours with its contact number and contact person and address also.
But if this words beauty parlour in Chennai is typed in, it will list a number of ads, then you can select the ad of a service provider as per your need, by clicking on an ad. You can see now a new window with images, what type of products available, any special offer or discount, what are the brands they are dealing in. I found all this info real helpful.
Also one more interesting feature is its lifestyle section.
I have already listed my advertisement few days back. And I have already getting business.
Only thing which I will like this website to improve is that, they can do something about their forum section. If done, it will really be an interesting platform for discussion with like minded people.