I always regarded General Pervez Musharaff in high esteem. He always stood out to me as a great leader and I perceived him to have great qualities of leadership, team spirit, task master, and above all a good human being. This despite what he had done in Kargil and Kashmir because I believe he was doing what he thought was best for Pakistan, but this book makes everything fall flat. As per his explanation and description he is where he is because of fate and destiny and he had no hand in it.
First this book is a complete farce. It starts of well where he describes about his childhood in Karachi and how his parents moved on from Neher Wali Haveli in Delhi to Karachi, and then how they moved from Karachi to Turkey and then back to Karachi. He has described well his pranks and his first love ( a Bengali girl)...He goes on to talk about his initial training days and then his days in army and power. But slowly after each chapter the book becomes dull, a complete stereotype, full with stories which you can read in Dawn and Nation daily. It is more of a Pakistani propaganda rather than anything else.
It has nothing new, text is also nothing great to paint a picture or capture your imagination. As mentioned no new plot.. same stories how India attacked in 1965 (no mention of Operation Gibraltar)... India taking advantage of situation in East Pakistan (No mention of systematic rape and torture of the Bangladeshi population by the army)... mentions Mujahiddins taking over Kargil with back up of NLI which again is Pakistani army version... again mention of double the figures of Indian army personnel dead (than mentioned in Indian media) in Kargil... no mention of hijacking of IC 814... How India captured Siachen illegally.... some mentions of Daniel Pearl.
Everywhere you get a feeling of Me Myself and I. I was the greatest Sportsman, I was the greatest Captain, I gave the best speech, I was the best motivator, etc etc........ Like Atra Tatra Sarvatra...(No sure if this is the right place to say so)
So out and out some propaganda speech by some army general. No facts, no great literature, no new issues. Simple Plain blank newspaper editorial. Waste of money and time.
Sorry General I was a great fan of yours but you disappointed me