Nception is proved himself to be an effective filmmaker, able to draw his audience into his films like a spider with a fl Mind-blowing, Its the only word to describe "Inception." "Inception" is a great ride, a devious puzzle and a satisfying emotional experience.
y Creator of “Memento” and director of one of the best comic book films ever, “The Dark Knight, ” Nolan has proved himself to be an effective filmmaker and this time again he proves himself.
. A process called inception means rather than extract information from someones mind, he must place it instead. Movie basically centers on a team of thieves led by Dom Cobb(Leonardo DiCaprio) who specialize in stealing secrets from peoples minds. Having induced sleep, they enter the persons dream and extract the information they are after, and Cobb is an international fugitive. The Th
This movie will remind people of the feeling the original "Matrix". I would say, its even better than "The Matrix.", T But this movie is brain buster makes that complicated material o You have to avoid bathroom breaks during this two and a half hour epic for fear of missing one of its wonderfully intricate. This is a film you should walk into knowing as little as possible about beforehand - and just be overwhelmed. That’s why I won’t tell whole story and my advice is don’t read reviews go and experience a dream classic. From the opening titles to its very last frame this film is an exercise in sheer class. Nolan broke out super-high-speed film and video cameras to deliver super-slow-motion footage at a thousand frames a second. Hes in command of the enormous special effects, the sharp dialogue(even the exposition is entertaining) and an illusion-vs.-reality theme that could easily be confusing but isnt.
This year’s this is perfect assembled cast each actor has done mind blowing job. After Shutter Island Decaprio again proved that he is far better than many top actors like tom cruise brat pitt etc. the cast had to be so strong, as they have to hold their own against special effects which see cityscape s bending back on themselves, gravity-defying fights and mountain fortresses being reduced to dust. The films action-packed, multi-layered finale does eventually start to feel a little long, but this is a minor complaint when we have the most intelligent and visually stunning film of the year. GO AND ENJOY TRILLING RIDE. hats off to Nolan for such a innovative experience.