If you are the kind who enjoyed Matrix 1, then you will be blown away by this movie. I know this will feel like a fan boy going gaga. but I cannot help it. Inception Rocks!
Inception has a beautiful premise, which has been flawlessly extrapolated to support a story line that is very beautiful, which is as much outside-in as it is inside-out.
I do not want to expand more on this because I hate to give away the story. Instead, I would like to explain my experience.
From the first minute to the last, the story moves like a juggernaut going through layer after layer of the storys complexity. The visuals are amazing, the story deep and very very very clever. I was expecting certain kinds of tricks, but nolan does not even take those tricks, he has 2-3 deep yet simple targets w.r.t story milestones and he goes after them without veering at all.
The characters are very credible. Which is not by accident, the movie has a lot of top notch talent, and everybody pretty much played their role to the T. I also believe that you do feel a bit, but not too much empathy for the protagonist and his team, which I suspect is by design.
In personal ranking list, City of God is a 9, Matrix is an 8.5. Inception is an 8.75 on 10.
It is gripping, clever, deep, layered, beautifully constructed, extremely well executed movie. This movie is one of a kind, dont expect many movies like this to be made in the next decade atleast.