Yeah Mera India...I love my India...How proud do I feel when I hear this song…..its something I will never be able to measure and never express suitably in words. I came across this topic and read a lot of informative stuff…(then again I came across slander).
On the occasion of this Independence day one of my friends sent me a PowerPoint presentation on India and her culture. It moved me so much that I decided to share it with all here.
Disclaimer: I do not take the credit for the research but am definitely proud of everything in this review.
India Facts
• 5, 000 year old ancient civilization
• 18 official languages, 325 languages spoken – 1, 652 dialects
• 3.28 million sq. kilometers – Area, 29 states, 5 union territories
• 1.03 Billion population.
• 5600 dailies, 15000 weeklies and 20000 periodicals in 21 languages with
a combined circulation of 142 million.
• GDP $3.319 trillion. (GDP rate 7%)
• Parliamentary form of Government, Worlds largest democracy since 55
years, Secular democratic constitution
• World-class recognition in IT, bio-technology and space. Fastest growing
IT super power
• Largest English speaking nation in the world.
• 3rd largest standing army force, over 1.5Million strong
• 2nd largest pool of scientists and engineers in the World. 4th largest
• Indian Railways , the biggest employer in the world.
• More than 45 folk dances, 7 Classical Dance forms
• Celebrates more than 65 festivals
• India has the largest movie industry in the world, producing over 800
movies a Year.
Pride Factor
• Tirumala – Tirupati World’s richest temple
• Jantar Mantar – 1716 Modernistic structures to observe the movement of
• Mysore Palace Illuminated by 97, 000 light bulbs
• Buddha Statue Largest monolithic statue in Asia
• The Taj Mahal – do I need to say anymore
• Cherrapunji Wettest place on earth
Ancient India
• India invented the Number System. Zero was invented by Aryabhatta. The
place value system, the decimal system was developed in India in 100 BC.
• Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans. Charaka,
the father of medicine consolidated Ayurveda 2500 years ago.
• Today Ayurveda is fast regaining its rightful place in civilization.
• The art of Navigation was born in the river Sindh 6000 years ago. The
word Navigation’ is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH. The word
navy is also derived from Sanskrit Nou.
• In Siddhanta Siroman (Bhuvanakosam 6) Bhaskaracharya II described
about gravity of earth about 400 years before Sir Isaac Newton. He also
had some clear notions on differential calculus, and the Theory of Continued
• Indus Valley Civilization- one of the world’s first great urban civilizations.
• Yoga – originated in India 5000 B.C
• The Worlds first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC.
Students from all over the World studied more than 60 subjects.
• Ayurveda- earliest school of medicine known to humans
• Sanskrit Language –most suitable for computer software
The Ancient Vedic Hymns
• Rig Veda - Knowledge of Hymns, 10, 859 verses “There is only one truth,
only men describe it in different ways.“
• Yajur Veda - Knowledge of Liturgy, 3, 988 verses
• Sama Veda - Knowledge of Classical Music, 1, 549 verses
• Ayur Veda - Knowledge of Medicine, over 100, 000 verses
• Jyotisha – Astrology and Astronomy.
• Kalpa – Rituals and Legal matters.
• Siksha – Phonetics.
• Aitareya – Creation of the Universe, Man and Evolution.
• Chandogya – Reincarnation, Soul.
• Kaushitaki – Karma.
• Kena – Austerity, Work, and Restraint.
• Dharnur Veda – Science of Archery and War.
• Mundaka – Discipline, Faith and warning of Ignorance.
• Sulba Sutra – Knowledge of Mathematics
• Yoga Sutra - Knowledge of Meditation
• Kama Sutra - Knowledge of Love and Sex
Some facts
• Robert Clive’s personal wealth amassed from the blunder of Bengal during
1750’s was estimated at around £401, 102
• It has been estimated that the total amount of treasure that the British
looted from India had already reached £1, 000, 000, 000 (£1Billion) by
- Taking into consideration interest rates and inflation this would be
worth close to $1, 000, 000, 000, 000 ($1Trillion) in real-terms today.
• India was the richest country on Earth until the time of the British in the
early 17th Century
Pride of India
Here is an article that I found on the PowerPoint that I am sure you will find interesting.
“IIT = Harvard + MIT + Princeton”
• CBS highly-regarded ‘60 Minutes’, the most widely watched news
programme in the US, told its audience of more than 10 Million viewers
that “IIT may be the most important university youve never heard of.
• The United States imports oil from Saudi Arabia, cars from Japan, TVs
from Korea and Whiskey from Scotland. So what do we import from India?
We import people, really smart people, co-host Leslie Stahl began while
introducing the segment on IIT.
• “…the smartest, the most successful, most influential Indians whove
migrated to the US seem to share a common credential: They are
graduates of the IIT.”
• “…in science and technology, IIT undergraduates leave their American
counterparts in the dust.“
• “Think about that for a minute: A kid from India using an Ivy League
university as a safety school. Thats how smart these guys are.”
• There are “cases where students who couldnt get into computer science
at IIT, they have gotten scholarships at MIT, at Princeton, at Caltech.”
Believe me your want to read on !!!!!!