My Friends In India,
I would as an American citizen would like to thank you for your support in our war against the people of the world.
I also know that many of you will not agree with the decision that your goverment has made. But from me to you, I send a heart felt thank you.
I have never really understood the hate that many feel for us Americans but now I have some understanding about it.
While I am only one person, for myself, I feel very badly about what has been done to your country. I can understand that you were only trying to find ways to protect your country. Instead of taking action against India, maybe more talks should have been held to see why the country of India felt that there was a need for war heads.
To thank you the trade bands have been lifted and now the U.S. will send in food and other things. Is this right for the country to do? This person feels that it was something that should have been done anyway. Will this be enough when war is brought against you for helping us? I dont know and only time will tell.
What was done to America on Sept.11, 2001 was horrible but for many who read this, it maybe something that happens ever day. My heart goes out to those who live though this often.
I know what this terrible act has done to our country, and very nite in my prayer, I ask to guidence and pray that some day this world will find peace. No one should have to live with terror.
My friends, thank you from my heart for helping to make this world a better place for all of to live in.
With love for all,