His excellency Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalaam
President of India
CC : Suyog, A proud Indian
Dear Dr. Kalaam,
While meaning no offence to your patriotic views on India & with all due respect to you & your acheivements , I beg to differ.
The kind of Indians you have described Sir are ones whom I would call losers. No self-respecting individual will throw junk on the roads whether in Mumbai (Bombay) , Manhattan or Gambia.
If people dont throw junk on the roads of Singapore it is just because of the fear of being caned on bare ass. Even his execellency Mr. Bill Clinton couldnt prevent Ass caning given to a American teenager. Dear Sir, Can you assure me the Indian System can do the same to the the son of a local petty politician?. Ditto in US & other countries you have mentioned sir (very hefty fines)
Dear Sir, have you by chance travelled by train on the out-skirts of NY, NJ of USA? Seen how clean are these? How courteous a NY cabbie is or how ruly the traffic here is? (with all people waiting for Dont walk sign to start crossing pedestrian crosswalks). Have you even dared to visit the so called ghettos & under what unhygenic conditions people live there? or tried to urinate in Penn Station restrooms without holding your nose ? Then why do you put the blame on us INDIANS & mention Singapore, USA etc.? NY is not just Times Square ( as India is not just slums & govt. offices)
And you blame us when all our voting rights have been robbed by your friends Mr. Mulayam & Mr. Lallu-Ullu etc. by distributing FREE country liquor during every so-called elections? I beg to differ with anybody who thinks India is a Democracy. What we have is a Mobocracy or Demonocracy with millions of illiterates who cannot even write their names entrusted with the task of electing Leaders.
You talk of sending sattelites sir when millions dont even have enough to eat? Cant you fund a Trust to educate these hapless civilians into being better citizens instead in your capacity as the president of this country, Sir?
Why do you conveniently forget the race by every group/caste/community out there to to join the ever growing list of Backwardness based on population statistics? Dear Sir, do you think this Backwards Race will take us into 21st century (or Dark Ages)?
What we Indians need is Proper Governance. Havent you heard the old age adage Like King Like Subjects (Yathaa raaja thatha prajaa)? What role models have our politicians left us? Whom should we trust our dear PM Mr. ABVP who changes color faster than a chameleon ( saffron/secular/saffron) or Italian imported Sphinx Mrs. Gandhi? or Lallu-Pallu-Ullus & other clowns?
And what role model have you created sir by rubber-stamping anti-minority draconian laws like POTA without even batting a eye-lid?
When we are pointing our fingers at you (Govt) & you are pointing your fingers back at us, do you know Sir that Fascism is growing in our country faster than cancer ( courtesy your friends Mr. Modi, Mr. Thackery & grand Mufti of Jamaa Masjid et. al.)? What can you expect when we are taught from childhood (by textbooks, our parents) to be losers or escapists & feel the need to rebel to prove ourselves?
People are disillusioned with the current political system & want change. They are finding rabid fundos & fascists to to be more acceptable than politicians who change parties at the drop of a hat? What other real alternative options do they have?
Being the president of this great country, dear sir, can I expect you to change the system (even a little) so that if not us atleast our children/grandchildren can dream of a better & safer tommorrow?
Again with all due respect & no personal hard feelings & a very happy Republic Day.
A proud Indian,
Janani Janma bhumishya swargadaphi gariyasi ( Mother & Mother land are greater than Heaven itself). I dont respect anyone who doesnt respect his mother, mother-tongue & mother land.