I am a true Indian.
I wake up in morning by alarm from my Casio (Japanese) clock. I go to washroom and brush my teeth with Close up (Uniliver, British parentage) toothpaste and Oral B toothbrush (American).
I change into my Adidas (German) tracksuit and Nike (American) shoes for a morning walk. Not forgetting to take pure and clean water from my Philips (Dutch) water purifier, I do mix some Tang(by Kraft food, USA) to it for that extra energy.
I love listening to my I Pod (American) when I walk. Done with the walk, I am back. I use Gillette Mach3 (American) razor and gel for shave and Dove (Uniliver) body wash for bathing
I come out of wash room and wear my Lotto (Italian) slippers. I switch on my HP (American) laptop.I have Kellogg’s (American) corn flakes in Nestle (Swiss) milk with some Australian apples and Kiwi fruit in my breakfast.
Ok, time to get ready for my office, I only wear Arrow (American) shirts and trouser (they are wrinkle free) when it comes to formal dressing.
I drive my Getz (Korean) car. I never regret having Kenwood (Japanese) music system installed in my car; the music is so crisp and clean.
I reach my office building sharp at 9, ofcourse it’s exactly 9 you can see it on my Rado (Swiss) watch.
Oh Jesus, this heat I tell you, it’s just killing me, thank god my office building is centrally air-conditioned by Carrier(American), and even the Otis (American) elevator is air-conditioned.
I don’t really like my boss though he did one good thing by installing this big 50 inch Panasonic (Japanese) plasma display in office for our entertainment. Actually “dislike” is not the correct word for my boss, it’s more of envy. I envy his Mercedes (German) car, his Omega (Swiss) watch, his Versace (Italian)suits, his Vertu (British based Finnish owned)phone, his B&O(Danish) music system, his Mac Book Pro (American), his Canon (Japanese) SLR camera and so on.
Ok time to work, call my head office in Japan, do some talking on my Sony (Japanese)phone, dial some more number do some more talking and that’s it I’ve made enough dollars(American) for my owners. Coffee time, I will have café latte from Barista (currently owned by Lavazza, Italy) with Fish O Fillet from Mc Donald (American).
Lunch, I just love Italian.
One more coffee at 3 pm, and it’s time to wrap up. Some fake sweet talk with Boss and I am out at 1630(my office timing is 0830 to 1730). am I smart or what?
Ok, now it’s time to take care of life. Freshen up, change to my favourite Levis (American) 501 and Hanes (American) white T shirt.
She is the prettiest lady I’ve ever seen ( I swear its true) specially when she wear that L’OREAL(Paris) lip gloss, that black Gucci (Italian)dress and Louis Vuitton (French) Bag, Fendi ballet with Chanel No. 5(Paris) lingering around her( I prefer Eternity(American) over Chanel). Don’t imagine too much, she is my wife for God sake!!!
We love eating out (she do cook occasionally in our fully Italian Marbled kitchen that has got state of The art Faber cooking range and appliances). This New Mexican food joint in next block is really good and they do have some really good French wine, even though I don’t really like wine. For me it’s only Black Label (Scotch) nothing else, but all this will come later first a nice Hollywood (American)flick.
11:45pm: Oh that was a long day; time to hop on to my Panasonic (Japanese) massage chair.
Oops its midnight, time for bed; I love my king size Gautier (French) bed. Good Night.