Nothing to do with tourist information, just my thoughts on India.
India since its independence has embarked on a journey that had already been embarked by many in many parts of the world, however today India finds itself enjoying the same technological revolutions that those other parts are enjoying today and to add to its prosperity it is finding parity with leading countries in the world.
Fate or destiny is such a complicated and paradoxical enigma, one sees how many species on this planet have many natural gifts, such as gills to breathe under water, a natural sonar system and fur for natures own central heating system. However the human being has none of these gifts, yet the human being is gifted with a good brain. The human can think and it comes into focus, had nature preempted that the human being will rise to such a supreme power , that they would harness nature and the entire planet and procure those gifts that nature had given to other species. Well mankind has harnessed nature and we innovated clothes to protect ourselves from the cold, we have developed oxygen masks to breathe under water, we have made our own sonar systems, we have procured all these luxuries and in a more far more sophisticated sense. Did we accomplish all this through a series of Ifs and whys? Maybe, but had nature not given us such a good brain, would we be where we are today. This is where the enigma unfolds, why did nature not give us any other gifts but still gave us a brain and why did nature give the other species many gifts, but not a good brain.
If I have given rise to some curiosity already, then I will further this enigma by expanding beyond the advent of the human being to the development of the human being and the world around us. Nature also played a part here, not only did it differentiate so grossly between the species of this planet, it also differentiated grossly between human kind and this gave rise to different ethnicities, which all had different outlooks to life. While Europe and Asia had entered the agricultural revolution, other parts of the world were still engaging in the prehistoric living of hunting and gathering. However there was even a more huger form of differentiation played out by nature, and that was the differentiation of morality and spiritual value, making one side more moral and spiritual than the other. It was this attribute, that had enabled smaller islands of Europe to harness nature and become rich, while in the eastern hemisphere, people lived in harmony with nature and were happy, but poor. Europe had come to the realisation that only by harnessing nature, resources and people that they could truly prosper, they were not shackled by some strong moral and spiritual code, they were dictated by greed, and deceit, slaughter and aggression had become their real way of life. With this way of life, their desire to become richer was rising they and they set out to explore other world and conquer new lands. This strong moral dividing line allowed them to build and induct sophisticated warfare and sea faring ships before the east could. They set around the world, conquering other parts of the world, conducting wide scale genocide and enslaving the natives of the lands. If there was a fate or a more supreme force at work, can this be considered as unfair or perhaps a punishment for those people. Well here I will shift the focus onto India. Had the British not have come to India, would India be a Muslim country today? Would it had ever become a united country?, would it have ever seen the industrial revolution? would certain sacrificial rituals and the highly discriminative class system still be plaguing India today? These questions will never find an answer and if we look closely enough, you will see how the British introduced such qualities to India that have now become major strengths of India today. To name some, a strong legal system, a strong educational system and democracy, which in turn have enabled India become one of the pioneers of the Information technology revolution.
We all despise 1962, where China humiliated us by invading and slaughtering our country men, but ‘if had that not happened, would India had ever pursued a nuclear and missile programme, would it had ever modernised its armies.
All in all, everything that seems to have happened in the history of creation has happened for a reason and although blood has been shed, people have been slaughtered and enslaved, in the end, it has happened for the better. Britain itself was rampaged through by many invaders, and thus had absorbed that aggression which it later reflected on the rest of the world.
So is there a fate or a destiny? , I will let the reader decide for themselves
Somehow nature has built a remarkable balancing self compensation mechanism, where death is not an evil but a reality of nature and where bad is not the work of some negative force but another aspect of reality.
Nature compensates for everything and it too will compensate for the human. Times have changed drastically, although maybe we are living In this modern and sophisticated society, we have now once again been reduced to the hunters and gatherers. We hunt for food and for pleasure, every man is now for themselves, family values have deteriorated and we are longer standing as united as we once were. We can now alter our own human genome, we can select our looks and food and even the sex of our offspring, almost all our jobs are now done by machines and in a not to distant futures, doing your own washing will become passe. There is this myth that we would eventually achieve a Utopian society in the future and looking at the current world, it is all so apparent that we are drifting away from such an existence and back to the primitive age of hunting and gathering. So maybe it is inevitable that nature too will compensate for the human being and that compensation will most likely be from our own actions. We will either destroy each other with out own technology or with the development of an artificial man, we will make the human being redundant. Just as we had to depend on the domestication of animals to develop and thus bring out, literacy, government, society and the industrial revolution . Today Animals have become redundant, just like the human will become redundant against the artificial man. I am not advocating a form of mutiny by artificial intelligence as most science fiction novels depict, humans will still exist but will they still be the same humans that have existed for centuries? - 10, 000 years from now, the setting maybe the same, but will we be the same, will we think the same, or look the same? This could be seen as the evolution of mankind, but in actual effect it will be a creation of a new species and mankind will become extinct. Such are the ways of nature, thus immorality, deceit, murder and aggression was once the order of the day and has brought about a massive revolution in mankind, and today only the Indian spirituality can bring about a revolution in the human consciousness, so today it is not the west, it is the east and only India has its thousand year old culture and family traditions intact only India has such a huge multicultural society. So what is the destiny of the human kind, I think it lyes in the hands of India and its traditions.
Many Indian related things will soon become the life style of the world, this has already happened with Indian food, Indian fashion, Yoga, Aryu veda, Indian literature and now Indian entertainment. And as I said, the future of humanity only lyes in Indias hands.
I had to cut out about 3 pages worth, because it exceeds the limit
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