I just read Balagis review on Educational System of India and personally I felt it was very well written. He has highlighted the pros and cons of studyin in India in an objective fashion, perhaps speaking from experience. It prompted me to write a review on India, in general and what I feel about my country.
India in the eyes of most foreigners some time back would bring up images of snake charmers and elephants. Today, the scenario is different. Today, they view Indians with spite as the flow of jobs is directed towards the east, especially India. In GDP, in terms of PPP, India ranks fourth in the world. We have made advances in the agricultural sector, technology, irrigated lands. We have the worlds largest road network and the second largest rail network. Thanks to Shri Vajpayees initiatives, most Indian cities would be soon connected with four lane expressways. The maximum number of international students studying in American universities are Indian. A few years back, this might not have been such a good news. Today, a lot of students head back home because it allows them to perform the balancing act of career vs patriotism like never before. Silicon valley holds job fairs, but for jobs in India. As of today Bangalore employs more engineers than the whole of Silicon Valley combined. The Formula-One is all set to be scrapped from Indianapolis. In a couple of years, we would have the Indian Grand Prix. It is true that the American Economy is improving but technologically it may not be able to maintain the lead as it was in the 80s and the 90s. Indians are spending more than ever before, travelling more than ever, lead lavish life styles.
Think again? Are we there yet? Illiteracy, population, infrastructure, corruption still plague India. It is hard to accept the contrast in society. The gap between rich and poor is increasing. There is a huge middle class, but now we have the lower, mid and upper middle class. More Indians can check their email thanks to broadband, but a villager does not have access to even the basic sanitary facilities. There are around 300 lakh cell phones but villagers do not even have land lines. True we have Pizza hut and zillions of international food outlets, but even roti comes at a premium to those who cant afford it. Even to get a phone connection, we bribe the local phone guy. God forbid if you are honest !! Unless you are in a private firm, honesty has becomes a liability in India these days especially in politics and government organizations. Cities like Bangalore are flourishing with Engineering and Med schools but a majority of Indians do not even have access to their ABC textbooks. The southern states have made huge strides in terms of development, but dark areas still exist in name of UP, Bihar, MP and several other northern states. If the existing diversity wasnt enough, India is witnessing a divide like never before.
In conclusion, let us feel happy for our acheivements but let us not harp about it. India is not heaven on earth and neither it is hell. Let us not be prejudiced in the name of patriotism. This wont do us any good. Unless we have our problems sorted out, any kind of development is meaningless.
Thanks for reading my review. Have a nice day.