This review is not to paint a bleak picture of India nor to convey a message that India is a bad place to be.
But what is written here are the problems faced by or facing India.And some things that went wrong in India.
Mahatma Gandhi.Father of the Nation Gunned down !
Indira Gandhi. Gunned down at point blank range
Rajiv Gandhi.An ever smiling face blown off !
This was not the way we wanted these great leaders to die !
Bomb Blasts.
A frequent thing in some parts of India.
Once a while tactic to terrorise people in other parts.
A Serial bomb blast once in Bombay !
Corruption acc to me is when you pay bribe to a person in authority do something he is not supposed to do.
but now we have to pay even if we want to get/get something done which is rightfully ours !
A Govt
Of the people ? Who throw mikes & chairs as missiles in the parliament
for the people ? Does it really, I Mean really matter to us at the ground level whoever forms the government
By the people ? Vote bank politics, caste based politics, booth capturing have ruined this concept
The deal with Enron involves payments guaranteed by MSEB, Govt of Maharashtra & Govt of India, Its so ridiculous.The Republic of India staked all its assets (including those abroad, save diplomatic & military) as surety for the payments due to Enron.Was it so necessary to sign this power deal.God knows how many crores of rupees changed hands to get this deal through.
Religion is a very personal thing.It should be left like that.No one should tell me what I should or should not wear.Pray here or pray there.Celebrate Valentines day or not.If you want people to follow your way of life.Lead them, not force them.
Godhra Massacare
A stigma, A blot on the name of religious tolerance that Indians are so proud of.whatever the instigation, whatever the cause on that fateful day, The after effects were unimaginable.
Godhra & Gujrat suffered for more than a month because of this.
A very cruel form of blackmail, by holding innocent people as hostage.
India has faced this about 11-13 times.The most recent & famous being the Ic-814 hijacked to Kandahar(Afghanistan in Dec99).It has been used as a tool by various seperatist organizations of Kashmir & Punjab.
As per UN estimates there are more than 45 million children who are deprived of any type of education in India.Illiteracy breeds poverty, corruption, social unrest.
The annual spending on defence is much more than what is spent on education.
Jammu & Kashmir
Once called as Paradise on earth.This place has become quite the opposite now.A problem thats bothering & effecting India & the people of J&k since independance.
This piece of land has been the cause of 3 wars with Pakistan & a seperatist movement that has resulted in the loss of thousands of civilian deaths.
A movement started by the Sikhs in Punjab for a seperate homeland called Khalistan.We are all glad that this movement died down & the land of 5 rivers remains an integral & loved part of India.But this movement saw the ugliest form of terrorisim in the Eighties.Rape, shootouts, Kidanapings, bomb blasts etc.
Line Of Control
The line that divides India & Pakistan now agreed upon in the 1971 Shimla agreement, but not the International Border.
Firing across the LOC, as it is commonly called is a routine affair even during peace times.
Ram janmabhoomi-Babri Masjid issue raises its ugly head every now & then.A clear example of how politics & religion have become inseperable in India.
The demolition of the Babri Masjid on Dec-6-92 resulted in the worst religious riots india has seen since Independance
We wish atleast the gods are left in peace.
It is said that Naxalism the organization of aggressive communists.This movement of Land of the people for the people is still prevalant in a very violent way in parts of India.Prominently in Andhra where the PWG(Peoples War Group) wreck havoc on govt establishments frequently.
It is supposed to be the Pillar of a Democracy.In India they are like a cat waiting to pounce on the mouse.Ever ready to pull the govt down or distrupt the normal functioning of the house.
India would be such a different place if the opposition plays its role constructively & dynamically.
Poverty & Population
The 2 main pillars of Indias problem.Almost all of Indias problem can be or is attributed to either of these.
Both these problems are so strongly inter-woven, Its impossible to pin point the cause & affect.There is poverty as there is a large population. And there is a large population as there is immense poverty.
Question hour
the first hour of a sitting of Lok Sabha is devoted to Questions and that hour is called the Question Hour.
This provision by the constitution to the members is rampantly misused by the Members.Slogan shouting ais a common thing during the Question hour which should in fact be effectively used for smooth governance.
Rail Roko-Rasta Roko
A unique but cruel way of protest in India, where the protestors bring Rail or Road traffic to a grinding & sudden halt.just imagine the hardships it causes to the common man.People travelling miss their trains, buses, flights.Important appointments etc.
There would be nothing in India which is not affected by a scam .Fodder Scam of Laloo Prasad, Stock market scam, which even implicated the then Indian Prime Minister.Coffin scam of the Kargil soldiers.The list would be endless.
A Dot com News channel Tehelka secretly taped top Govt and Defence officials talking and agreeing to accept bribes to favour certain defence related decision.This took the nation by storm and as always the storm died.
No convictions.
Union Carbide
The Company responsible for the Bhopal gas tragedy.Thousands lay dead in minutes cos of a poisonous gas leak in 1984.About 300, 000 had agonising injuries from the disastrous effects of the poisoning.Those responsible for this tragedy are still at large.
The sandal wood & ivory smuggler.Has evaded all the forces of the government for years now.
The govt created a Special Task Force(A small army rather) to catch this ONE man.
Managed to kidnap Famous Kannada film star Rajkumar & get away with It.
Surprising that all Government forces are still not able to get him!
India has faced 4 wars, 3 with Pak and one with China.resulting in huge loss of territory and many soldiers.This has also resulted in affecting the economy badly.The current high defense spending can also be attributed to the unstable relation we have with our neighbours.
Xectra Xectra
A host of other problems that we face.Urbanization, Deforestation, Black Money, Havala, The Cuavery waters etc.
Y India has no problems with the Alphabet Y.Strange ?
Zee News.The channel on which I hear all the news. ! could not think of anything for Y & Z ( Please leave your suggestion in the comment section if you can help.Ill update the review.!)
India is a Fab place inspite of these hurdles.
Hum Honge Kaamyab Ek Din
Jai Hind.