I honor the divine in you.I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells.I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me,
We are One.
This isnt Poetry My friends. This is officially described meaning of the Sanskrit word Namaskaar. Never a word with such deep meaning, honoring the presence of the intended recipient. To make it further symbolic you actually join your palms and bow. The smile adds further to flavor. That is the beauty of my country. Thats the heritage I inherit from my Mother land.
I see the Tri colored flag, I hear the national anthem. I am on my feet with my head held high. That is something they did not teach me in school. That was what my love for my country makes me do. I get goose pimples and tears of joy wells up when I hear Vandemaatharam. Why ? Because the freedom that we enjoy today, is the result of the price paid by our forefathers. So much of diversity , culture and heritage. Yes my dear friends, I love and I am proud of my country.
Post Independence
Presenting facts in simple English in a layman side of view. I am not an economist or one of those politically correct guys who discuss the nations politics in an intelligent terminology. If a group talks about politics , I am usually quiet. I prefer to listen than put in my opinions. If you call me naive, I say you are absolutely right.
No other country that I have known of is self sufficient as India. Today, We have Indian companies making automobiles. Want a better example, look at our neighbors ( Pakistan for example they even import Pepsi). The soft drink beverages, the automobiles. We have Big software giants who see the Indian Market as a HOT SPOT. We even had one of our astronauts land on the moon. By far, we are all self sufficient with our own resources and contribute much to the economy. Comparing ourselves to any other third world country we have done better
And now one question to all Indians.
considering everything I have mentioned above, Where are we lagging. If we are able to be self sufficient, then where on earth have we failed. Perhaps failed is too strong a word. But lets face it, we do have problems both inside and out.Inflation, corruption, bureaucracy, government sluggishness the list is endless.
who is to blame
I am sure most of you understand where I am arriving at. If you thought I was going to blame these Government employees, you are wrong. I blame the politicians and I blame the people. When I say people , this includes myself.
You see them in the news, you see them in papers and you see them everywhere, folding their hands and greeting the people with Namaskaar. and where do you see them after they win ( or lose) the elections. They dont know you . you are just another sucker he has made out of you. These people are parasites. They deal with their problems with each other rather that the real problem that is facing them. OR should I say , Facing us. They fail to understand, that they are accountable for the entire nation. They owe a responsibility to the people of India. Instead they just take us for a ride. If there is an honest politician out there, I know it. If He kept up his honesty and dignity he can certainly make a difference. but I just dont trust any politician. They are all the same. Enough said.
We the People
We have taken everything for granted. I am not talking about those who are trying to do something to make a difference. I talk about those who sleep over the issues like this all the time wondering why should I care. If a politician or a government employee doesnt deliver what is due to you, there are way we can make him do it. that certainly doesnt have to involve money. It involves exercising your right. ( I repeat this sentence with more emphasis) We ignore this, and things like this goes on. Our constitution needs a change. Not a replacement, but a change in policies. If we are being cheated time and again it is our fault. We dont exercise our rights properly. I am sorry if I hurt any feelings out here. but then , it hurts more to see undesirable things happening. It hurts me that my fellow country men are dying everyday. either by the militants or by natural calamity, or in riots. It really hurts me when I see that democracy is being abused. The price the freedom fighters have paid, is gone forgotten. So why cant we stop pretending to beleive that everything is fine and actually do something.
But then again tell you what , I dont have the time. I have a million things on my mind. Till the day something undesirable happens to me, I am just going to be qiuet till things happen. When something bad I am going to fight. and definitley I will be hurt when my own contrymen turn their back on me. I am not pointing fingers here at anyone here. The whole idea is not to make anyone feel gulty here. Its my honest opinion about myself. Why the hell should I fight when I am absolutely fine ?
But still
There are people who make a difference. There are some people whose courage and sincerity make up for the corrupt politicians, the sluggish government employees and the money hungry policemen. I have come across quiet a lot of them. They are sincere and honest. I call them the real Indians. And to those people I say I bow to the divine in you , to the goodness in you. I salute to the power of goodness and truth in you.
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