I feel proud to be an Indian and I mean what I say. I think that India has so much of potential that we can be the best. Still if we are not going well then instead of being critics we should try to improve the situation. Improving does not means that doing something at mass level. Improvement starts at grassroot level. First step is to improve ourselves and then others. If everyone starts like this then it would surely bring improvement to society. But we are more into critising people and then we end up fighting and WHO IS BENEFITTED???
Let us stop critisising people. We all know that politicians are corroupt so let us stop saying that which political party is bad. I see people debating on Gandhi vs Bhagat Singh and it sounds so stupid. Instead of admiring both of them we are critisising them. Politicians make us fight on issues like mandir, masjid, community, religion..........and we fight.
Being proud Indians we should try to make our country prosperous and more strong. I really feel that a day would come when every hindu, muslim, sikh and a christian will move hand in hand, keeping all their differences aside. The politicians will loose everything that day as this is the biggest toolwhich they use for power. And this day will come. India is awakening again. Earlier it was against corroupt Eat India Company and this time it would be against corroupt politicians. So beware all the corroupt officials because the day public becomes hositile then nothing will save u.
So the land of critics will change to the land of admirers.