I opened an account from Mr.Gyan ratan (RM-C51002-GYAN RATNA ANAND), an Relationship manager in india info line in the first week of July and he is Continuosly giving false information.
Brokerage charges have been modiefied by him for his profit and for 3 weeks he is saying that, he has submitted an application for brokerage change. Whenever I call him he says that india info line people dont do their work at the right time and it why this is getting delayed. If a manager says such thing, how can a consumer believe other employees.
I have forwarded complaints about the practice followed by Mr.Gyan. Still no action or no reply is sent to me. India infoline has such a pathetic service and even employees dont know th features. When I asked Mr, gyan about phone trading, he replied that india infoline does not have a phone service.Long live cheaters.. long live india info line.. long live.. Mr.gyan