Firstly, I dont really know who these or guyz are. I keep getting emails from them regarding my demat account. (I never ever registered one) The heights of this website is that, they dont maintain a privacy policy. FInd below one of the transcripts of the email they send...
Dear Sir / Madam,
At India Infoline, we are committed to transform our customers document experience by adding value to our products. Now India Infoline provides the ease and convenience of receiving digitally signed Transaction cum Holding Statement on email. Digital Signatures provide authentication and assurance. Hence you have the assurance that this mail comes from India Infoline and not a spam.
This email and the attached Transaction cum Holding Statement are Digitally Signed for Authenticity and Data Integrity. Moreover, the attached Transaction cum Holding Statement is optionally encrypted for your privacy. The process to open/access the same is as mentioned below. Please remember that the password for opening the statement would be your client Id(Last 8 digit).
Follow these simple instructions and be sure that your trust in us is assured - please trust email only when they are ` digitally signed. Click on the html attachment to access your Transaction cum Holding Statement. In case you are not able to view the statement click on the icon "Scan and Download" next to "HTML Attachment" to open the file. You have received this e-statement since you have registered your email id with us.
Any discrepancies observed in this statement may kindly be brought to the notice of our branch or by emailing us at
With regards,
India Infoline Limited
I had sent a few emails to their email ids to keep me off their mailing list... but they dont care to do anything.
Now, im not sure on whom to approac to stop this email spamming, the government does not have any stringent IT laws.
Any suggestions on this would be greatly appriciated.
Manoj K.G.