Friends, I am very disturbed and appalled by the pathetic services of India Post. I had sent an envelope on 27th July, 2009 by speed post from Mumbai to ICAI, Indraprastha Marg, Delhi which consisted of an examination application form for giving the Online exam of the C.P.T Course(Common Proficiency Test for C.A course) of my daughter. It is supposed to reach the office of the ICAI before 5th August 2009, which is the deadline date of receiving the examination form after which no application form will be entertained by the ICAI.The worrying fact is still I have received no appropriate reply or information regarding the delivery of my envelope from the post department even when seven days have passed. It’s just horrible.
I paid a hefty sum of Rs-57/= compared to the very efficient and cheap services of the private couriers. I was hoping that the envelope will reach it’s destination very quickly within two days. I would have never used the India post medium, but it was made mandatory by the ICAI to send it only through registered post or speed post and hence there was no alternative left for me rather than to send it through this pathetic medium. When I went to the Ghatkopar (West) H.D.Road post office in Mumbai, I found that there is only one universal window where a lone person is the jack of all trades who is accepting registered post, speed post, money orders etc. It took me over half an hour to submit my envelope. Just disgusting.
The website of India post boasts of being upgraded time to time and provides useful info to their customer which is all hog wash. They have provided a search box where you can put your tracking number that is provided in the receipt that you get when you give them your envelopes and covers. I put my number umpteen times in the box with the intention of tracking my envelope’s whereabouts, but everytime I put it, it shows no info available. I got hold of a contact number of their call centre from their website. I called on it on 30th July, but it was engaged for a very long time. After trying for 20 to 25 times finally when I got through and enquired about my envelope, the lady on the phone told me that my document had reached the IP Marg post office in Delhi, but has not yet been delivered. I was shocked to find that even after three days if the envelope is not delivered then how could it be called “Speed Post”? It should be called Snail post. Even the courier guys deliver any document in 48 hours and that too at Rs-8/- only. If the cover or envelope is a little big then they charge Rs-15/- or Rs-25/- to the max, which is very low considering the Rs-57/-charge that I paid for my envelope.
Even till now, while I am writing this review, I have no information regarding my envelope. Still the phone of the call centre is conveying the message very busy since last hour or so. Now I will personally visit the post office once again and obtain information regarding it’s delivery. In these times of fast communication and technological advancement, the India post services are lagging well behind other modes of services. It’s high time that they change and improve for the good if they want to survive in this competitive world. The Govt was once considering banning the courier services as the financial parameters of the postal services were badly affected due to it, but it would be apt if they consider improving their services, performance and infrastructure and once it is done, it would automatically give a run for the money to the courier guys as well as to the other modes too.
Grow up India Post. Instead of boasting, start improving and performing if you want to survive.