My subscription No ITE1917662 .
I made online payment on 12 Sept 2011. And recieved my first copy in Nov 2011 end that too after constant reminders mails.
1.And Voila they say that my subscription has started from 17 Oct 2011 ( where are the copies) then after few more mail reminders -these loosers send me old copies .(In december what will I do with Oct 17 issue???)
2.I specified the size I want ( Large ) they send me Medium sized T-Shirts and now want me to send that back to them
3.I recieved one copy and then no further copy I wrote to them to cancel my subscription 3 times - everytime I get the standard
"We sincerely regret the inconvenience caused to you. We do understand you have every reason to be vexed with us. We would like to assure you that such a lapse will not recur and we hope we shall be able to redeem ourselves in the future and will continue to have you as one of our satisfied subscriber. We also request you for your kind understanding and co-operation"
Phew I dont know when they will cancel my subscription & refund my hard-earned money.
Advice : Dont subscribe -contrary to what they advertise you dont save anything.
1.You wont get the promised presents.
2.You wont get the issues .
3.If on rare occasion you do get than they will never be on time.
4.Drag your feet & buy it from the newsstand or better still read Weekly or Outlook.
Hope some one reads this & take action