I have been reading IT for over 10 years, and its quality is coming down each week. It has now become a lifestyle magazine, far cry from the new magazine it was once. I cant believe the way sleaze has been dominating this once-great magazine.
Just compare the quality of the 25th anniversary issue ot IT with the 11th anniversary issue of its main rival. The quality of the articles in the former pales to that of the latter. (Though when it comes to page3/lifestyle/entertainment stuff, IT wins hand down).
One thing I noticed is that the news standards seemed to have slipped after publishers LM began taking up distribution of foreign magazines (Readers Digest et all) also. Maybe its just my thought.
The one thing I respect them is that they seem to be only major publishing firm accepting 100% FDI in print media. Some of the similar blatant-market-supporting publishers raise a hue when FDI in their own sector is being discussed. At least, IT is never hypocritical.
I guess IT still has some great reporters with it, but not many issues dealing with real life are coming up these days.
I hate to do it, but I am moving away after 10 years of subscription.