India Unbound - I was browsing through this book at Crosswords and within minutes, I was hooked to it.
Das uses simple language to elucidate the journey that India has undertaken all these years. It strikes a chord with the reader and more so with any Indian who feels attached to the country. Every page seems to unfold a fact that was beyond our sight and suggests an answer to the puzzle that is India.
Das has a fantastic style that reaches out to the reader in investigating the reasons of why India stands where it is today. What have we been traditionally and how that decides where we stand today. What is the chain of events that has led us to our destiny. In doing so, he narrates his personal experiences right from childhood till date. He has comments on right from politicians like Nehru, Gandhi, Rao to the commoner on the street who struggles for the daily meal.
However, Das does not stop at that. He goes on to predict the path that India will take in the future based on ongoing trends and events and attempts to unfold our future. All this makes it a very gripping, though easy read. It provides hope to the young generation like me and makes me feel proud as an Indian.
This book is an absolute must read for all avid young readers who are interested in non-fiction.