*Acccount: 87468
On the 22nd January 2013, I had written on email as suggested by the branch person on my document requirements for transfer of my home loan out from indiabulls.
Statement of Account.
List of Documents.
Outstanding Statement.
Also marking the same to my Branch: Thane - LBS Marg(Jyoti Bhosale & Dilip Gupta).
First Culprits: Jyoti Bhosale(Branch Incharge) & Dilip Gupta(Sr. Officer - Operations)
With Exchanges of mail and repeated calls of nearly 3 times a day I received them all after 45 days of painful stress. However, due this delay I was unable to get my home loan transferred to another HFC.
Since then I have been writing to the branch for the rate of interest switch from PLR system to Base rate as per the RBI policy, however the service is the same. no revert. I have written numerous complaints on this however the indiabulls like the name suggest only provides bullshit.
Anyone reading this I would request you to not take a home loan from INDIAbulls. It will save the mental torture you go through once you are with them.
Its something like a trap, once you are in you cannot get out nor you can change. just pay your lifelong earnings to them.*