I took homeloan at Indiabulls @8.5%rate of intrest..with out any proper intimation, within 5 months the rate of intrest increased to 12.25% which was 2% more than a personal loan (10.2%). When they issued home loan the response was very pleasing and when i was trying to close the loan they prolonged to squeeze money as mush as they can..
They made insurance to home loan mandate..
Even when i closed the loan, they delayed confirming the closure of homeloan to insurance company...
This type of homeloan companies should not be encouraged...
Though they respond fast to give loans.. Its their statergy to squeeze money from you as much as they can during loan tenure...
I am one of the victim and i strongly.. Dont recommend Indiabulls home loan company to any one...
I feel as if i was cheated... and dont want some one to experience the same...
Please dont go for Indiabulls lokking at fast response while issuing the loans..
I am spending this much of time to write reveiw so that it can save someone.