RM Anupama Patle of IndiaBulls securities doesnt have any market knowledge and she just keeps chasing the client by calling him until he falls into the trap to do a trade. once the client agrees to trade by sympathy on her words she puts pressure on clients to do huge volumes of trade, convincing him he will not loose any money and But finally he looses all his money bcz its only pure luck and no research.
when you are absoululely busy she call you and gives you false information on the stock price and brokerage to be lieved on you and puts pressure on you buy the stock in huge volume.
I later realised that she chases put pressure on clients to do trade in huge volumes not for the profit of the customer but only to gain her commission from the clients trade.
I was a victim of this fraud lady. She is highly skilled in cheating if you give an opportunity to talk to her you will never realise that you are being cheated. Female RMs are hired by the brokers so that they follow up with the client, lure them and fall into trap. I suggest investors not to believe the RM as they here only for commission.
My post is not to target reputation of Indiabulls securities but highlight the bad practices of RM Anupama patle. similar RM would be be in other firms as well.